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repurse collection

Have you ever wondered what happens to the excess leather from past collections? At Ownever, we saw possibility where others saw waste. We took leather that was deemed unusable by other luxury brands and turned it into something unique and beautiful.

Our skilled craftspeople meticulously handpicked each piece of leather and transformed it into stunning purses that are not only stylish but also sustainable. Owning an Ownever handbag means owning a piece of this story - a statement about the kind of world we want to live in.

this is a story of redemption

meet olive

Rpurse New Collection Ownever Rpurse New Collection Ownever

meet noir

Rpurse New Collection Ownever Rpurse New Collection Ownever

meet blush

Rpurse New Collection Ownever Rpurse New Collection Ownever

meet crème

Rpurse New Collection Ownever Rpurse New Collection Ownever

behind the scenes

Carrito de compras

Todo el stock disponible está en el carrito

Su carrito está vació.
